Someday….. Someone….

A poem by Karen Ballesteros Pascual

Someday, I will be someone’s everything.
Someone who sees his future with me.
Someone who thinks I am his best choice.
Someone who considers life without me is DEATH.

Someday, someone will accept me for who I am.
Someone who thinks every inch and curves of me are perfectly set.
Someone who’ll love to see me smile even I have gap between my teeth.
Someone who’ll understand both my good and evil side.

Someday, someone will love a glutton like me.
Someone who feeds me with all of my cravings.
Someone who’ll never despise me and tolerate me for pigging out.
Someone who’ll eat with me anytime, anywhere.

Someday, Someone will make me experience all those petty things.
Someone who’ll surprise me on anniversaries, birthdays and every special occassions.
Someone who’ll ask me out on a date randomly.
Someone who’ll enjoy doing simple sweet things with me.

Someday, someone will support me all the way.
Someone who’ll never leave me to my ups and downs.
Someone who’ll cheer me up when I’m sad and down.
Someone who’ll see the sun rise and set with me.

Someday, I will find someone whom I’ll love unconditionally.
Someone who’s worthy for all my sacrifices and pains.
Someone who is worth introducing to my family.