The Seven Star

It is our parents who named us “The Seven Star” since we are seven. Four pretty girls and three cute boys. Some called us the waray group – waray 1 to waray 7 because my mother is a “waray”. Each of us has its own personality. We don’t have a perfect family, we even fought but we do care and love each other.

We  don’t own expensive things and we don’t even have a beautiful house to stay but the LoVe is our home and we make God as our inspiration.

We know each other as we always were. We know each others hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time.

"With love our hearts can be a family 
And hope can bring this family face to face 
And though we may be far apart our hearts can be as one 
When love brings us together in one place. 

Wherever there is laughter ringing 
Someone smiling, someone dreaming 
We can live together there 
Love will be our home. "